
本文由用户“dzx747”分享发布 更新时间:2022-04-20 20:05:31 举报文档




1. Ms Yang felt so tired that she fell asleep ________ she lay down on the end.

A. ever since B. unless

C. as soon as D. even though 

2. Nick didn't have dinner ________he finished doing homework.

A. if B. when

C. until D. after

3.—Did you win the match last night?

—Not really. ________ we all did our best,we lost it at last.

A. Though B. If

C. Unless D. Because 

4. The TV play Journey to the West is ________interesting ________I would like to watch it again.

A. such;that B. too;to

C. so;that

5.—How is Mary getting on with her lessons?

—She will fail the exam ________ she studies harder.

A. after B. unless

C. as soon as D. when 

6.—Why didn't you write down what the teacher said?

—Because she spoke ________ fast ________ I couldn't follow her.

A. too;to B. very;that

C. enough;to D. so;that 

7. My mother has taught in this school________ she was twenty years old.

A. for B. until

C. because D. since

8. It gets cold at night. ________ you don't wear your coat,you'll catch a cold.

A. If B. How

C. While D. Unless 

9. ________ he is only seven years old,he knows a lot about science.

A. But B. Though

C. So 

10. Milk quickly goes bad ________ it's put in the fridge.

A. if B. unless

C. whether D. until 

11. We should study hard ________ we can get much knowledge.

A. when B. so that

C. unless D. in order to 

12. The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours ________ he realized it.

A. before B. 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 let me see. I put it in your suitcase.

A. when B. whose C. that D. what

30. Theaters may have a brighter future if they can provide a movie experience

people cannot get at home.

A. that B. who C. whom D. what



