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Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

It is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身。

A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。

Learn and live. 活着,为了学习。

Knowledge starts with practice. 实践出真知。

Complacency is the enemy of study. 学习的敌人是自己的满足。

Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. 知识使人谦虚,无知使人傲慢。

Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps. 知识只能循序渐进,不能跃进。

A man can do no more than he can. 凡事都应量力而行。

Books and friends should be few but good. 读书如交友,应求少而精。

A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。


Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

No pains, no gains. 没有付出就没有收获。

Constant dripping wears away a stone. 水滴石穿,绳锯木断。

Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。

Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不过是勤奋而已。

Great hopes make great man. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。

Industry is the parent of success. 勤奋是成功之母。

No rose without a thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰。

There is no royal road to learning. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。

No way is impossible to courage. 勇者无惧。微信公号:oral365

Success belongs to the persevering. 坚持就是胜利。

The finest diamond must be cut. 玉不琢,不成器。

Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境出人才。


Honesty is the best policy. 诚实不欺为上策。

Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. 要人尊敬,必须自重。

Patience is the best remedy. 忍耐是良药。

One good turn deserves another. 行善积德。

He knows most who speaks least. 大智若愚。

A still tongue makes a wise head. 寡言者智。

A candle lights others and con 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 路。

Take things as they come. 既来之,则安之。

Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。

The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

It is no use crying over spilled milk. 覆水难收。

Don t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自找麻烦。Don t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. 不要班门弄斧。


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