Value at risk 风险价值(置信区间的概念)

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以下为《Value at risk 风险价值(置信区间的概念)》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载


Value at risk 风险价值(置信区间的概念) 量化风险的一个现代方法包括使用正态分布的概念估计投资价值的可能变化。A modern approach to quantifying risk involves estimating the likely change in the value of an investment by using the concept of a normal distribution. VAR 的意义: VAR 提供一个项目的潜在风险的指示 The VAR provides an indication of the potential riskiness of a project. For example, if A invests in project B then it can be 95% confident that the present value will not fall by more €1,471,000 over its life. Hence the project will still produce a positive net present value. However, there is a 5% chance that the loss could be greater than € 1,471,000. With project C, the potential loss in value is smaller and therefore it is less risky. It should be noted that the VAR calculations indicate that the investments involve different risk. However, the cash flows are discounted at the same rate, which they should not be, since the risk differs between them. (题目: 2014-12-Q3,2012-06-Q4) 评估海外投资项目-APV Assumption: 1) 计算假设 tax shield 的折现率使用 borrowing rate,但有些争议 argue 是使用 risk free rate。此外,A more accurate method would be to assess the yield curve based on future risk-free rates and credit spreads for the company. 2) 在 APV 的计算中,tax shield 常常跟投资的(新的)举债能力有关,而不是已 经使用的债务。因为这方面信息没有提供,假设举债能力的提高=适用的新债务。 3)计算中用到的数据,诸如税率,capital allowance rate,收入和各类成本的数据, 生产和销售的预估值,通胀率,基于购买力平价算出来的汇率值,假定都是正确 的,至少在项目期间保持不变。但这种假设显然是不现实的。而且常常是一点波 动 change/volatility 都会引起不同程度的结果。所以需要使用 sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis 来帮助评估。 (题目:Pilot-Q1, 2014-12-Q2,2013-06-Q1) APV 原理&优缺点【背】 原理:将投资决策和融资决策分开来考虑。***评估项目损益,根据新的融 资方式。这样,在估算时,先仅仅考虑商业风险(用 Kei 折现);其次才考虑债 务融资和补贴贷款带来的好处(节税,省息)。***可以评估投资活动的价值, 以及因融资方式带来的好处。APV method separates the investment decision from the financing decision. This will allow company to evaluate the gain or loss associated with the costs and benefits of the new finance. The value of the project is initially assessed considering only the business risk involved in undertaking the project. The discount rate used is based on the asset beta which measures only the business risk of that company. The impact of debt financing and the subsidy benefit are then considered. In this way, the company can assess the value created its investment activity and then the additional value created from the manner in which the project is financed. 优点: 1.不同资金不同折算率,商业风险用 Kei,金融风险用 Kd。It allows each different type of cash flow to be discounted at a rate specific to risk of that cash flow. 2.当融资情况较复杂时,此法适用 It also allows the effects of more complex financing situations to be considered 缺点: Kei 是用 CAPM 计算得来,所以有 CAPM 的理论缺陷。Discounted rate used in base on CAPM, which has number of theoretical weakness.具体是那些不现实的假设: Zero insolvency costs 零破产成本;投资市场有效;投资人有多样化的投资组合; 完美资本市场;且很难确定 excess return, risk free rate & B 值。 (题目:2014-12-Q2) 海外投资项目的 government & business factors 结合案例: 1.政权更迭,导致目前的税率变化,补贴贷款政策变化; 2.需要计算如果税率或借款利率变化多少,会让项目的 APV 转成负值。 3.新政府是否有 remittance 限制?这样折现率不同,导致项目 APV 变化。 4.考虑项目是否存在 real option,来给项目带来额外的价值。 5.拓展计划是否*** Strategy? 6.管理层是否有海外拓展经验?过去的项目的成功率多少? 7.结合测算数据看,是否延期开展会有更好的价值? 8.建厂是否会导致当地人民迁徙,是否存在环境和责任方面的顾虑? (题目:Pilot-Q1, 2014-12-Q3,2011-06-Q5) 项目 Discussion Paper 1.格式:抬头 Discussion paper to the BOD of XXX; (空行)Discussion paper complied by XXX;(空行)Date 2.目的 Purpose(根据问题) 3.Backgound 题目简述 4.Project assessment/Target company evaluation: 基于 dividend valuation model *** market capitalisation,即公司价值。该项目***的价值提升 12%, 证明该项目是有利可图的。 5.Possible issues: 比如 DGM 估值的局限性,融资方式的优缺点和可能产生的影响。 6.Areas for further discussion:针对可能产生的问题,BOD 的应对方式。比如针对 DGM 模型,BOD 需要讨论是否这种估算和模型是合理的, 可以用来***价 值/市场资本化价值。 7.Advise and recommendation: 比如若使用对冲手段,各个 effective rate 比较,各 自优缺点,哪个更***。 (题目:2016-06-Q1) Triple bottom line approach 评估产品 TBL 报告是一份量化总结 quantitative summary,关于企业的 economic/financial impact,对环境的影响 impact on environment, 以及社会表现 impact on social performance。公司/项目的发展 要兼顾自身 balance between economic/profit、社会大众 social people 和自然环境 environment/plant 的利益,要具有可持续性,不能以牺牲其他关键要素而仅仅 实现单一要素发展。有争论认为,战略投资考虑了这 3 个要素会提高股东价值, 这份报告带来的收益超过做的成本。 比如,***可以报告新产品对社会环境的影响,将被政府认为是一个好的公 民企业 corporate citizen, 从而提***的声誉,来吸引各种优质资源,包括有 天赋的员工。 (题目: Pilot-Q1, 2011-12-Q5) Black-School 期权定价模型【背】 Assumptions: 1. Suitable for European style options therefore it assumed that the warrants are of the European style 该期权是欧式期权,即在期权到期前不可实施。 2.There are no taxed or transaction costs 市场无摩擦,即不存在税收和交易成本, 所有证券完全可分割 3.The share is continuously traded and share price has a log-normal distribution 股 票价格行为股从对数正态分布模 4.Volatility of returns will remain Constant 回报的波动保持不变 5.Interest rates are constant and certain 利率是一定且恒定的 期权价值分析(以 call option 为例): 1.Pe 反向 2.Pa,volatility,time to expire, risk free rate 同向 (题目: 2014-06-Q4) 等额付款 Loan 摊余成本法-大怪兽 Annuity (8%,4 years)=3.312,Annuity payable per year on loan=$30/3.312=$9.057 Interest payable per year=$30*8%=$2.4 每年的 closing loan balance = opening + interest - repaid (题目:2015-06-Q3) 计算 Bond 的 Maculay Duration,以及它的意义【背】 1.如果知道 Bond 的 MV,coupon rate,以及 par value,则可以计算出 gross redemption yield(GRY)。比如用 5%折现 coupon & redemption value 得到 MVI,用 10%折现得到 MV2,已知 MV,则可用几何法得出 GRY 注意:这个 GRY 就是我们常说的 Kd 用 GRY 折现 Bond 的 coupon & redemption value,并加以年数权重,除以 MV,得 到 duration. 思路:期间流入现金流*时间权重*Kd 折现率/期初流出现金流 PV of out cash flows(即 NPV+ initial investment) 2.意义:Duration 反映的是 bond price 对于 change in interest rate 的敏感性,主 要取决于赎回时间 redemption rates.对于赎回时间较久的 bond 通常对于利率波 动更敏感,也就更具风险。Duration 测量的是一个债券支付利息和本金的平均时 间,也就是赎回时间。它承认:1)付更高利息的,相较于付更低利息的,赎回 期更快;因此,它们对利息的变化不这么敏感,即有较低的 duration。 3.图像:Bond Value 跟 Interest rate 关系的图形是凸向原点的曲线 convex curve to origin(形状类似于无差异曲线),Duration 是那根切线。所以,仅当利息变化很小 时,duration 法是有用的。利息上涨,债券价格下降,但它们的关系并非线性 non-linear. Duration 假设了利率和 bond 价格的关系是线性。所以,当利息波动很 大时,由 duration 预测到的债券价格要低于实际债券价格。这种应用的局限性也 由于 duration 是基于 GRY 是平均测量法。一旦 shape of the yield curve 变化,则 基于原 GRY 计算得到的 duration 无法再用于评估 bond value 跟 interest rate 的变 化关系。 (题目:Pilot-Q4, 2014-06-Q1,2011-12-Q3) Modified Duration 的计算及意义【背】 Modified Duration=(Maculay Duration)/(1+gross redemption yield) 修正久期方程的作用,是将利率变化跟债券价格变化联系起来了。 The equation linking modified duration(D),and the relationship between the change in interest rates (餽i) and change in price or value of a bond or loan (餽P) is given as follows: 餽P=[-D*餽i*P] (P is the current value of a loan or bond and is a constant) 如果修正久期数值较高,则债券价格因为利率价格因为利率变化的波动较大,假 设其值为 2.42,表示利率每波动 1,债券价格波动 2.42 倍。 The size of the modified duration will determine how much the value of a bond or loan will change when there is a change in interest rates. A higher modified duration means that the fluctuations in the value of a bond or loan will be greater, hence the value of 2.42 means that the value of the loan or bond will change by 2.42 times the change in interest rates multiplied by the original value of the bond or loan. 实际上,债权的价格和收益率的真实关系是一条凸向 convexity 原点的曲线。这 种凸向原点的关系表示了久期会低估债券价格的跌落,而高估债券价格的上升。 只有当收益率的波动浮动很大时,凸性的问题才比较明显。 In fact, the actual relationship between price and yield is given by the line as convex to the original. The impact of convexity(ie non-linear relationship) will be that the modified duration will tend to overstate the fall in a bond's price and understate the rise. The problem of convexity only becomes an issue with more substantial fluctuations in the yield. (题目:2014-06-Q1) 公司信用评级 credit agency 需要考虑的因素 1.Industry risk:评***所在的产业 industry sector 在经济变化中的弹性 resilience。包括: 1)一旦经济变化,对于行业的冲击,从事这个行***是否可以在糟糕的经 济环境下,继续成功? 2)这个行业的循环周期 cyclical 是怎样的,波峰 peak 和波谷 troughs 时期有怎 样的规模? 3)一旦经济变化,这个行业的需求会有怎样的转变 demand shifts? 2. Earnings protection:评估了怎样在变化的环境中维持或者保护它的收益? 1)各种不同来源的收益增长 2)customer base 的多元化 diversity 3)profit margins and return on capital 3. Financial flexibility 融资能力:公司是否可以轻松融资当它需要的时候,以满足 投资目的。 1)评估各种融资渠道和可行性 2)跟金主的关系,比如:银行 3 ) 目前的 debt convenants 上的盈利性指标达标情况以及限制 operating restrictions 4.Evaluation of management 则考虑了管理层是如何管理并***发展的。 1)公司的计划 control policy,以及 financial strategy 2)管理层的更替计划 succession plan 3)管理层的 qualification & experience 4)财务和非财务 target 的实现情况 performance (题目:Pilot-Q4, 2011-12-Q3) Estimate the credit spread The cost of a bond will develop on two factors: 1. The ri 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 Critics of the behavioural finance approach have argued that even if individuals make decisions when left by themselves, participating in finance markets helps discipline them to act rationally by giving them opportunities to learn from their experiences. The consequences of irrational decisions are short-term anomalies. In the longer-term general theories, such as the effective market hypothesis, will apply.即 使个人做出不合理的决定,但参与金融市场有助于训练他们的行为,让他们有机 会从经验中学习。所以不理性知识短期异常。较长期的一般理论,入有效市场假 说,仍将适用。 [文章尾部最后500字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]请点击下方选择您需要的文档下载。

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