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以下为《古汉语辞书的英译三合:“义、体、气”  》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载



The Erya, as a representative ancient Chinese dictionary, possesses unique characteristics of a compound text. To fully present its compound text features in the English translation, it is necessary to establish a translation standard that aligns with its own characteristics. Guided by the three-pronged theory of "meaning, structure, and context" in the field of translation studies, this article proposes constructing the English translation standard of this Chinese dictionary from seven perspectives based on the multi-functional nature of the Erya. These perspectives include "semantic alignment" in terms of the correspondence of Chinese and English semantic elements, alignment of annotations and textual evidence, and alignment of terminology meanings. They also include "structural alignment" in terms of corresponding definitions and alignment of Chinese character elements. Finally, they include "contextual alignment" in terms of alignment with the textual context and alignment with the poetic rhyme in philological interpretation. The diverse standards for translating the Erya can provide references for the translation of other Chinese dictionaries and classics.二、阐述在英译过程中充分呈现复合型文本特点的必要性In the process of translating ancient Chinese dictionaries, it is necessary to fully present the characteristics of a complex text. This is particularly important in the case of "Er Ya", a representative work of ancient Chinese dictionaries. To achieve this, it is crucial to establish translation standards that are in line with the unique features of "Er Ya". By following the three principles of "meaning, structure, and context" in the field of translation studies, and considering the multifunctional nature of "Er Ya", we can construct a set of translation standards for this Chinese dictionary.

Firstly, in terms of "meaning", the translation should ensure that the Chinese and English meanings are compatible and in agreement. This requires a deep understanding of the original text and the ability to accurately convey its intended meanings. It is important to avoid ambiguity or loss of meaning during the translation process.

Secondly, in terms of "structure", the translation should maintain the same structural organization as the original text. This includes the arrangement of definitions, explanations, and annotations. The translation should reflect the logical and coherent structure of "Er Ya", ensuring that the information is presented in a clear and organized manner.

Thirdly, in terms of "context", the translation should take into account the cultural and historical background of "Er Ya". The translator should be familiar with the literary and philosophical traditions of ancient China, as well as the specific context in which "Er Ya" was produced. This will help to ensure that the translation accurately reflects the cultural nuances and references embedded in the text.

Furthermore, the translation should also consider the specific characteristics of "Er Ya" as a dictionary. This includes the use of concise and precise definitions, as well as the incorporation of relevant examples and illustrations. The translator should strive to capture the essence of the original text while making it accessible to English readers.

Additionally, in terms of "structure", the translation should also pay attention to the linguistic features of the Chinese characters used in "Er Ya". The translator should be familiar with the etymology and phonetic components of Chinese characters, and ensure that the translation accurately reflects these features. This will help to preserve the richness and complexity of the original text.

Lastly, in terms of "context", the translation should consider the larger literary and intellectual context in which "Er Ya" was written. This includes the references to other texts, as well as the poetic and rhetorical devices used in the text. The translator should strive to capture the stylistic and literary qualities of "Er Ya", ensuring that the translation is faithful to the original text.

In conclusion, in order to fully present the characteristics of a complex text like "Er Ya" in English translation, it is important to establish translation standards that are in line with its unique features. By considering the principles of "meaning, structure, and context" in translation studies and taking into account the multifunctional nature of "Er Ya", a set of translation standards can be constructed. These standards can serve as a reference for the translation of other Chinese dictionaries and literary works.三、引入文章翻译学“义体气”三合理论









1. 基于“义合”的汉英义素相合


2. 基于“义合”的注疏理据相合


3. 基于“义合”的术语涵义相合


4. 基于“体合”的释义结构相合


5. 基于“体合”的汉字要素相合


6. 基于“气合”的典籍文脉相合


7. 基于“气合”的训诂诗韵相合


通过以上的方法,可以构建符合《尔雅》自身特点的英译标准,充分呈现其复合型文本特征。同时,这种多元标准的翻译方法也可为其他汉语辞书典籍的英译提供借鉴,以保持原文的特色和准确性。五、总结《尔雅》英译的多元标准对其他汉语辞书典籍英译的借鉴意义。The multiple standards of translating "Erya" can provide references for the translation of other Chinese dictionaries and classical works.

The translation of "Erya" based on the theory of "Yi, Ti, and Qi" can serve as a valuable reference for the translation of other Chinese dictionaries and classical works. By exploring its unique features and constructing translation standards that align with these features, we can fully present the complex textual characteristics of "Erya" in English translation.

Firstly, the translation should focus on the principle of "Yihe" (meaning correspondence), which means that the translation should accurately convey the semantic content of "Erya" and ensure that the Chinese and English meanings are consistent. This requires translators to have a deep understanding of the Chinese language and culture, and to make appropriate choices in translating terms and expressions, so as to achieve semantic equivalence between the two languages.

Secondly, the translation should also consider the principle of "Tihe" (structural correspondence), which means that the translation should maintain the same structural organization as the original text. For "Erya," this includes maintaining t 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 ure that the translations accurately convey the semantic content, maintain the structural organization, and reflect the cultural and historical context of the original texts. This can contribute to the preservation and dissemination of Chinese language and culture, and promote cross-cultural communication and understanding. Therefore, the exploration and application of these translation standards have significant implications for the translation of other Chinese dictionaries and classical works.[文章尾部最后500字内容到此结束,中间部分内容请查看底下的图片预览]

以上为《古汉语辞书的英译三合:“义、体、气”  》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载

