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狮山博雅学校 2020-2021 学年第二学期第一次教学调研

五年级英语试卷(时限:70 分钟 满分 110 分,其中书写分占 2 分)

Listening Part 听力部分(50 分) 一、Listen,choose and write. 2 times(10% 2% each)

Andy is reading a poem.

Wow, such a nice sunny d . The sky is ue and ear. The ass is soft and green.

Come on! Let’s go out to ay. “Hooray”!

二、Listen and match. 2 times(10% 2% each)

Andy is talking about his best friend Lily’s daily life.

三、Listen and tick. 2 times(10% 1% each)

Andy and his friends are talking about their favourite seasons.

/ /

第 1页,共 4页

四、Listen and write T or F. (10% 2% each)

Andy’s friend Mike is introducing the seasons in Foshan.

( )1. The weather in spring is usually fine in Foshan.

( )2. We can see the sun(太阳) at 7 o’clock in the evening in summer.

( )3. There are lots of beautiful flowers in the park in autumn in Foshan. ( )4. It often snows in winter in Foshan.

( )5. We can see green trees in winter in Foshan.

五、Listen and write. (10% 1% each)

Andy is talking about his Saturday.

Hi, I am Andy. It’s Saturday today. The weather is fine. At 7:00, I and wash my face. After that , I do and eat with my mother. Then I clean my room at do my homework. In the afternoon, I go to the park with my friends for a . It’s spring. We also there. My mother at the supermarket. We have a busy but happy weekend.

Writing Part 笔试部分(60 分) 六、Read and guess. (10% 2% each)

Andy is playing word games with her classmate.

It is a meal. You eat it in the morning. It is

It is a kind of 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 )

The following questions may help you(以下问题可能对你有所帮助):

1. Which season do you like best? 2. What’s it?

3. Why do you like it? 4. What can you do in this season?

5. What’s the weather like in this season? 6. What kind of clothes do you wear in this season?


第 3页,共 4页 第 4页,共 4页


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