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squander v.浪费

lavish v.浪费

precious adj. 宝贵的

valuable adj. 宝贵的 、有价值的

be short of


be lack of 缺乏

financial aid 经济资助

financial \economic burden 经济负担

relieve sb of economic burden 减轻某人的经济负担

government revenue 政府收入

Driven驱动 by profit, sb spare no effort to do sth.为了赚钱,某人不遗余力的做某事

limited public funds 有限的公共资金

squander one’s hard-earned money 血汗钱

taxpayer 纳税人

创造create了许多就业机会带来了大量的外汇create more job opportunities for young people.

摆脱贫困alleviate poverty

浪费父母的血汗钱spend the parents’ hard-earned money

经济收入的增加使某人能够买得起。。。The sharp increase in one’s salary makes it possible for sb to afford sth

遭受suffer from着贫穷和疾病。


傲慢的arrogant adj.

悲观的pessimistic adj.

孤僻的 、不爱交际的 unsociable adj.

往往tend to ,

冷漠 indifferent

自我 self-centered


安度晚年enjoy their rest life

创造就业机会create more job opportunities for young people.


人际交往能力interpersonal skills

增进国与国之间的相互了解mutual understanding ,

忽略家人的情感需求neglect the emotional needs

产生疏远的感觉 create a sense of estrangement

觉得失落suffer from a strong sense of loss

情感交流emotional exchange

密切家庭感情strengthen the family ties


辉煌的历史灿烂的文化 brilliant history and splendid culture

书法calligraphy n.

文明civilization n.

艺术价值artistic value

cultural background

文化特色cultural identity

cultural legacy

national identity


文化交流 cultural exchanges

文化融合 cultural blending/integration

儒家 Confucianism

佛家 Buddhism

道家 Daoism/Taoism

京剧 Peking Opera

取其精华,去其糟粕 absorb its essence and resist its dark side

积极促进文化发展 promote cultural development positively

跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication

培养跨文化的交流nurture cross-cultural exchanges

给人们以全新的理念,语言和艺术 expose people to new ideas, languages, art

注入了新的颜色和生活方式inject new colors and lifestyles to this country


急性的acute adj.

慢性的chronic adj.


近视 名词myopia

有毒气体toxic gas

寿命life expectancy





环境不断恶化deteriorating environment

患有suffer from

咽炎sore throat支气管炎bronchitis

均衡饮食 well-balanced diet


挤时间squeeze time

浪费时间和精力waste time and energy

占用 occupy =take up

有限的limited adj.

上瘾 沉迷be addicted to =be obsessed with=revel in=indulge in v.

自控self-control n.

自律self-discipline n.

不成熟的immature adj.

成绩academic performance




自控和自律self-control and self-discipline

影响学习成绩affect their academic performance

误入歧途go astray


动力motivation /driving force


促进学生身心发展promote the student’s physical and mental development


培养nurture v.

开发explore v.

塑造某人性格mold one’s character




创新力innovation n.

素质教育quality-oriented education

生存能力survival ability

教会学生辩证思维teach the students to think critically

sacrifice much precious time to do sth.牺牲宝贵时间做某事

唤起某人在某方面的兴趣 arouse one’s interest in sth.

培养他们的责任感。cultivate a sense of responsibility

拜金become money-oriented

盲从be sequacious

模仿他们的偶像imitate idols



监管monitor and supervise

恰当的引导proper guidance

盲从 follow like sheep

误入歧途go astray

走上犯罪道路head for crimes

盲从follow like sheep

误导夸张和欺骗的be misleading, overstating and cheating

树立正确价值观世界观和高尚的道德Set up correct values and world outlook, and noble morals.

健康的体魄、a healthy body

健康的心理、 a healthy mentality

良好的沟通能力、good communication skills

团队精神、 team-work spirit

生存在激烈竞争的社会中survive in this cutthroat society

培养学生适应变化的社会cultivate students to adapt to the changing society

帮助他们找工作offer them a number of lucrative job opportunities.

学术氛围好have strong academic atmosphere

使学生具备全球视角help them be equipped with global perspectives.

打开一扇通往世界的窗户provide a window to the world

为???注入多元色彩inject more colors into ???

区分正误distinguish right from wrong,

分散学生学习注意力distract students from

用知识和信心武装学生equip us with the knowledge and confidence

自立 self-dependence

溺爱 dote, spoil

独生子女only child

激烈竞争 fierce competition

啃老族 boomerang kids, NEET ( Not currently engaged in Education, Employment or Training)

不劳而获 reap without sowing

不 断努力 make constant efforts

决不放弃 never give up

决不停止进步 never stop making progress

获得成功 achieve success

勤奋 diligence

奋斗精神 striving spirit


1. 带来前所未有的便利

brings us unprecedented convenience and efficiency

2. 克服地理障碍overcome the geographical barriers

3. 使世界变得更小make the world smaller

4. 加速信息流动speed up the flow of information

5. 把教育传播到世界各个角落 spread education to all corners of the globe.

6. 有助于经济发展contribute to economic growth,

7. 创造大量物质财富generate enormous material wealth,

8. 为???创造就业机会creating a lot of job opportunities for

9. 网络犯罪 cyber crimes.

10. 扼杀创造力 kill the creativity

11. 影响生物多样性保护affect the biodiversity protection

12. 可持续发展 sustainable development

13. 转基因食品genetically modified food

14. 营养价值 nutritional value

15. 导致基因污染cause genetic pollution


1. 公益广告public welfare advertisements

2. 艺术价值art value

3. 为我们提供了极大的视听享受和启迪 offer us great visual and audio enjoyment and enlightenment.

4.很多广告都是夸张,误导和虚假的overstating ,misleading and cheating

5.自己的血汗钱买了很多没用的东西pend their hard earned money buying some white elephants.

6.植入广告 inserted commercials

6转嫁给了消费者 be transferred onto customers.


1. 考虑工作的前景 consider the prospect of the job

2. 有前途的promising

3. 提供自我改善的机会 offer you opportunities of promotion and self- betterment

4. 您的工资是一个重要因素。Your salary is an important element.

5. 过上稳定的生活 live a stable life

6. 确保你对自己的能力,以及兴趣有一个客观的认识,have an objective understanding of your ability as well as an interest


公德 public morality

传统美德 traditional virtues

承担责任 shoulder/assume/undertake one's duties/

逃避责任 avoid/shirk/shun one's duties/

奉献 devote/dedicate; devotion/dedication

信任危机 the crisis of trust

公德堕落 the corruption of public morality

道德缺失 the lack of moral sense

照顾 care, take care of, look after

老龄化社会aging society

人口 老龄化 population aging

老年人 old/aged people, the old/aged/elders/ elderly, senior citizens

奉行孝道practice filial piety

不道德行为 immoral behaviors

希望工程Project Hope

捐款 donate/donation

贫困乡村地区poor rural areas

完成学业finish school

尊老爱幼 to respect the old and care for the young

随地吐痰 spit everywhere

大声喧哗 make noise


空洞承诺 empty promise

虚假承诺false promise

伪劣产品 fake commodities

欺诈行为 dishonest behaviors

诚信 honesty

学术腐败 academic corruption


食品安全food safety

地沟油 drainage oil

毒奶粉 poisonous milk powder

食品添加剂food additives

不公平竞争 unfair competitions

争抢利益 compete for benefits

治标不治本 address symptoms but not root causes

管理部门 administration departments

商家 merchant

厂家 manufacturer

有关当局 authorities concerned

漠视法律 disregard of laws

推卸责任 shift the blame onto...

消费者权益 consumers rights and interests

公正有效地履行职责perform one's tasks fairly and effectively

提供礼貌热情的服务provide polite and hospitable services

腐败现象 corruption phenomenon


公交专用车道bus lane

(机动车)单双号限行odd-and-even license plate rule

早晚高峰 morning and evening peak

交通拥堵 traffic jam/congestion, heavy traffic

交通高峰期rush hour

公共交通线路网 public transport network

尾号限行 traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers

交通管制traffic control


交通事故 traffic accidents

私家车 private cars

发展公共交通 develop public transport

醉驾 drunk drive

酒后驾车 drive under the influence of alcohol

行人 pedestrian


环保意识淡薄 have fairly weak/ strong awareness of sth/to do sth

环境保护 (environmental conservation)

环保的 environmentally friendly

Peopele are still poorly-informed, uninformed or misinformed about the baneful influence that their behavior exerts on society

释放emit化肥 fertilizer

二氧化碳carbon dioxide

有机产品 organic product.

有毒的化学物质 toxic chemicals

污染 pollute


低碳生活reduce their carbon footprint on the earth.

家庭垃圾household rubbish

分类处理 be sorted out for recycling.

从我做起 play a role at the grassroots level

Almost everyone in china can notice the phenomenon/status quo that….

Almost no one in china fails to notice the phenomenon/status quo that…

The past several years have witnessed a social phenomenon/status quo that….



1.____ has a wide application in all aspects of our lives.广泛应用于人们的生活中

2. …has 或have penetrated every corner in the world/life.渗透到世界或生活的每个角落

3. _____ indubitably plays increasingly significant role 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 ertain university

the number of museums and visitors in our country from 2013 to 2015

the change in urban population and rural population in china from to

the percentage of consumption of residents in spring festival in a certain city in china

the focusing factors when consumer choose restaurants in a certain city in 2017

the focusing factors of consumers in choosing a restaurant in a certain city in 2017

a survey conducted on travelling destinations of students in a certain university


  1. TPO听力原文全集 完美版
  2. 硕士研究生学位论文开题报告模板
  3. 词条翻译每日一练
  4. Social Psychology David Myers 11e Chapter two: Th
  5. migrate, emigrate, immigrate课件
  6. The purpose of business final edition
  7. SSP高中基础 综合测试版(1)
  8. 翻译四级词汇
  9. 整理商务英语词汇
  10. 商务类写作重点写作词汇
  11. 传播学基本概念词汇
  12. 英语六级作文高级句子及万能模板句式


