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课程编号:ENBAE2 1001

World Class English For Business Book 1, The Listening Test


The listening test will take approximately 30 minutes.

There are THREE parts to the test.

There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each part to allow you to look at your questions.

There will be a pause of 30 seconds after each part to allow you to think about your answers.


Part 1. Questions 1-5 are based on this part.

You are going to listen to an interview with Mark, the CEO of Autobytel. As you listen, decide whether statements 1-5 are true or false. Write T for “true” and F for “false” on the Answer Sheet. The interview will be played twice. You now have 30 seconds to look at the questions you need to work on for this part.

[Pause 30 seconds]

Now listen carefully.

[Karen=Female, Mark=Male]


Could you start by giving our radio audience a brief overview of what Autobytel is?


Autobytel offers selection protection to consumers on the Internet as they enter the difficult world of automotive purchasing. That’s whether they’re buying a car, getting their car maintained, reselling their car. We handle the interaction with the dealer for you. The dealer posts the lowest price they’re willing to sell the car for, and you click on and buy that particular unit.


How do you know if a dealer is not treating customers the way they should?


Every single customer gets a survey. About twelve percent return them.


Mark, how do you get consumers to tell you what’s working or what’s not working? How do you encourage people to fill out a survey and send it back?


We keep our surveys short, for one thing. It’s not something we do to build databases. We tell people up front that it’s short, so they don’t feel they’re getting into a two-hour project. If you ask people simple questions nicely, they generally respond.


Is that done by e-mail or on the website?


The surveys are done through the website. The contact with the customer is done by e-mail.


It sounds like a lot of money goes toward customer satisfaction.


It’s a fair amount of money. Our theory on how to build out the business was that we needed to have the fulfillment structure first. This is not a situation where we actually make the cars or sell the cars. So we need to have a strong grip on the promise keepers, our fulfillment partners. If I promise Karen to help her get a car at a fair, low price with the best process she’s ever had, Karen doesn’t become attracted to our brand unless we deliver. So we concentrated first on the fulfillment structure. Then we started investing more in the brand so the people we sent through the system could spread the word. Everybody is a walking billboard for their purchase, and not just in the car business.


You’re dead pretty quickly.


It’s important to be able to master the fulfillment before you start pulling the brand in. Then you can deepen the customer relationship.


So fulfillment first, brand second.


They go hand in hand.


You’ve been a great guest. Thank you so much for joining us, Mark.


Thanks for having me, Karen.

You now have 30 seconds to check your answers.

[Pause 30 seconds]

Now you will hear the conversation again.

[Play text again]

You now have 30 seconds to check your answers.

[Pause 30 seconds]

This is the end of Part 1. Now go on to Part 2.

Part 2. Questions 6-10 are based on this part.

You are going to listen to a monologue about working in teams. As you listen, choose the best answer from A, B, C and D for each question. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. The monologue will be played twice. You now have 30 seconds to look at the questions you need to work on for this part.

[Pause 30 seconds]

Now listen carefully.

Working in Teams: a positive experience

‘Working in a team completely changed my outlook on working life,’ says administrative assistant, Nesreen Mohammed. ‘Until then, my work had consisted of carrying out tasks given me by my bosses, and I had very little say in what the end result would be, or how it would be achieved. Working in a team allows you to work on something you believe in. It gives you some independence from the rest of the organization, and you meet other people from the organization and work with them on a more equal basis. Because they have different skills to yours, you may also learn from them. I think it has been wonderful for my self-esteem.

Nesreen, who works in a multinational oil company, is not unique. Many people have had similar positive reactions to working in teams. It’s a sociable, supporting and stimulating way to work, and as such brings benefits to the organization too, as management specialist James Cleary points out: ‘Teams are usually multidisciplined, which means you have people from different work areas with a wide range of opinions and skills. Accordingly, the treatment of problems and projects is much more dynamic and imaginative than when individuals work separately on a problem or project. A team is more likely to produce a workable result, because its decisions have to be discussed by all its members. Moreover, nowadays most projects are too complex to be handled by individuals working separately. This latter fact should also be borne in mind by executives when hiring people they want to be part of a team. No team will ever work effectively without individuals’ understanding that being a team member requires individuals to give up their individualism for the benefit of the team.

It is therefore understandable that working in a team is not always easy because it also requires a commitment to the job which may extend beyond the usual 40 hours a week. It may be that in societies where individualism is highly prized and recognized as essential to humans inventiveness and achievement, such values may have to take a ‘back seat’ to the idea of team consensus. Teamwork may demand drastic changes in the way people think and behave. ‘Football provides one of the clearest examples,’ says Maria Fernandez, a personnel manager with a large PR company. ‘You may have eleven brilliant individual players, but if they don’t combine and work together effectively, no goals will be scored.’ This is why, in the football world, sometimes the seemingly lowly teams achieve more highly than those star-studded teams because of greater teamwork.

You now have 30 seconds to check your answers.

[Pause 30 seconds]

Now you will hear the monologue again.

[Play text again]

You now have 30 seconds to check your answers.

[Pause 30 seconds]

This is the end of Part 2. Now go on to Part 3.

Part 3. Questions 11-20 are based on this part.

You are going to listen to a monologue on teleworking. As you listen, fill in each blank with an appropriate word you hear from the recording. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. The monologue will be played twice. You now have 30 seconds to look at the questions you need to work on for this part.

[Pause 30 seconds]

Now listen carefully.

The day I went back to the rat race

Teleworking [or telecommuting], we’re told, is the way of the future. By the year 2010, no one will work in offices any more. Instead, we’ll all be at home, linked by satellite to our virtual colleagues. As a result, we’ll all be having relaxed breakfasts and long luxurious baths. In the extra time that teleworking creates we’ll be able to play with the cat, water the plants and generally reduce our stress levels to zero.

Sounds good? It did to me, once. But let me tell you, as someone who has just completed five years of home-working, it’ll never catch on. It was great at first, a real pleasure, but be warned, after a few months the novelty began to wear off. I realized this when, not having had a proper conversation with a real person for 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 ow I feel alive. Working at home is not all bad, but you have to get the balance right. You can’t work in complete isolation, you need some contact with the outside world.

You now have 30 seconds to check your answers.

[Pause 30 seconds]

Now you will hear the monologue again.

[Play text again]

You now have 30 seconds to check your answers.

[Pause 30 seconds]

This is the end of Part 3.

This is the end of the Listening Test.

Now it is time for you to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.


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