模拟上课 逐字稿

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Class begins, stand up. Good morning boys and girls.

Let’s sing a what would you like song together! Wow! You guys are all perfect! Sit down please. This is a song about? ... Yes, food!

Now, look at the picture and answer: What food do you like? Mark. Oh, you like ice cream, it’s sweet, right? Anyone else? Lily, oh you like fish, yes, it’s healthy! So we all like food. And where can we buy these food?

Look at the picture and guess. Kitty, can you try? Well done, we can buy food at the shop. So today we’re going to learn unit 8 At the shop. Here o sounds o. Read after me, o sounds o. At the shop. Great.

And who is it? Yes, he is Mr Li. And today it’s his birthday. Kitty and her mum go to the shop to buy some food for him.

Now let’s listen to the radio. Here what would you like means what do you want. Ok, read after me. Ou--u, would, would like, would you like, what would you like. I’d like, I’d like. Boys, what would you like? Girls, I’d like. Good job! Can you find out what would mum like? Yes, tomato! Oo eee, aa aaa, oo ooo! Tomato. Now let’s play a high and low voice game. Are you ready? Wonderful!

This is a tomato. And these are? Some tomatoes! Yes, we add an es after the word. Tomatoes.

Let’s see what would mum like? Can you tell me, Mike? Wow, you’re so clever! Potato! Now let’s play the traffic light game. Each group get one point!

Now, boys and girls. Let’s listen. What would mum like? Great. Carrot. This is a carrot. Let’s play touch and say game. Touch the card an 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 rk in pairs ok?

Today Miss Zhong bring a song for you. Jacob Jacob what would you like what would you like what would you like? I’d like some tomatoes. Here you are. Thank you!

Can you try Jacob? Walk around and ask your classmate. Oh, Jacob, I love your voice.

In the end, let’s review the words.


以上为《模拟上课 逐字稿》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载

