
本文由用户“le910525”分享发布 更新时间:2021-05-05 13:37:09 举报文档





1. Agriculture is the country's chief source of wealth, wheat _____by far the biggest cereal crop.

a. Is b. been c. be d. being TEM-4 2003

2. Time_, the celebration will be held as scheduled.

a. Permit b. permitting c. permitted d. permits TEM-4 2003

3. There_____nothing more for discuss ion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.

a. to be b. to have been . c. being d. be

4.__ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.

a. There was b. Since c. Being d. There being

5. The country 's chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars____the most important of


a. have been b. are c. being d. are being

II. 定语从句

l. Above the trees are the hills,____magnifieenee the river faithfully reflects on the surface.

a. Where b. of whose c. whose d. which

2. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time,

_____is something we had not expected.

a. Which b. it c. that d. what

3. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man_____he was twenty years ago.

a. Which b. that c. who d. whom

4. We've just installed two air- conditioners in our apartment,______should make great differences in our life next. summer. p

a. Which b. wha c. that d. the

5. Have you ever been in a situation______you know the other person is right yet you cannot

agree with him?

a. by which b. that c. in where d. where

6. Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff_____is needed for quality

control can be substantially reduced.

a. Whose b. as c. what d. that

7. I've never been to Lhasa, but that's the city_____.

a. I'd most like to visit b. which I like to visit mostly

c. where I like to visit d. I'd like much to visit

8. She remembered several occasions in the past_____she had experienced a similar feeling.

a. Which b. before : c. that d. when

9. The physicist has made a discovery,____of great importance to the progress of science and


a. I think which is b. that I think is

c. which I think is d. I think that is1997

10. I have never been to London, but that is the city

a. where I like to visit most b. I'd most like to visit :

c. which I like to visit mostly d. where I'd like most to visit

11. This company has now introduced a policy_____pay rises are related to performance at


a. Which b. where c. whether d. what

12. Only take these clothes______really necessary.

a. as were b. as they are c. as they were d. as are

13.______is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion

produced no concrete proposals.

That b. It c. This d. As

III. 状语从句


1._ I like economics I like sociology much better.

a. As much as b. So much c. How much d. Much as

2. Fool______Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.

a. Who b.as c. that d. like

3.______I sympathize, I can't really do vcry much to help them out of the d ittiulties.

a. as long as b. as c. while d. even

_ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank

a. Much as b. Much though . c.As much d. Though much1998

5.__ , he is ready to accept suggestions form different sources.

a. Instead of his notable contributions b. For all his notable contributions

c. His making notable contributions d. However his notable contributions


1. ---Does Alan like limburgers?

---Yes. So much____that he eats them

a. For b. as c. to d. so

2. The brilliance of his satires was______make even his victims laugh.

a.so as to b. such as to c. so that d. such that


1. She did her work____her manager had instructed.

As b. until c. when d. though


1. Mr. White works with a chemicals import and export company, but he_____for this industrial

fàir, since he is on leave.

has worked b. works c. has been working d. is working


1. You won't get a loan_____you can offer some security.

a. Lest b. in case c. unless d. other than

2.__ time, he'll make a first-c lass tennis player.

a. Having b. Given c. Giving d. Had

3.__ I was very much mis taken, there was something wrong with Louise.

a. Unless b. As c. Though d. Since


1. The experiment requires more money than____.

a. have been put in b. being put in c. has been put in d.tobeputin2002

2. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than___

in the public mind today.

a. Exists b. exist c. existing d. to exist

3. he indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than

is necessary b. being necessary c. to be necessary d. it is necessary



1. There is no doubt_____the company has made the right decision on the sales project.

a. Why b. that c. whether d. when


1. Intellet is to the mind_____sight is to the body.

a. what b, as c. that d. like

2. He is_____as a“bellyacher"- he's always complaining about something.

a. who is known b, whom is known c. what is known d. which is known


1. Who____was coming to see me in my office this afternoon?

a. you said b. did you say c. did you say that d. you did say

After____ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel manager 's office.

a. That b. there c. what d. it

3. The team can handle whatever______

a. that needs handling b. which needs handling

it needs handling d. needs to be hand led

4. We can assign the task to_____is capable and trustworthy.

Whomever b. who c. whom d. whoever


1. Fat cannot change into muscle_____muscle changes into fat.

a. any more than b. no more than

c. no less than . d. much more than l 999

2. It is not so much the language______the cultural back ground that makes the book difficult to


a. but : b. nor c.as d. like

3. John is_____hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam.

a.no less b, no more c. not less d.no so,

4. Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner _____to the professor.

a. as far as b. the same as c. as much as d. as long as

5. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than______Eastern Nebraska.

a. In b. it receives in c. does d. it does in

6.______the two, Bob is______student.

a. Of, more diligent b. In, more diligent

Of, the more diligent d. In, much more diligent


l.The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential______for that.

a. for us to be prepared b. that we are prepared

c. of us to be prepared d. our being prepared

2.__ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.

a. Had it not been b. Hadn't it been c. Was it not d. Were it not

What courses are you going to do next semester?

"I don' t know. But it's about time_____on something.

a. I'd decide b. I decided c. I decide d. I' m deciding

4. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there_____quite such a crowd of

people there.

a. Weren’t b. hasn't been c. hadn't been d. wouldn't be

5. If you have really been studying English for so long, it's about time you_____able to write

letters in English.

a. should be b. were c. must be d. are

6. If your car______any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.

a. shall need b. should need c. would need d. will need

He left orders that nothing_____touched until the police arrived here.

should be b.ought to be c.must be d.would be

9. I_____the party much more if there hadn't been quite such a crowd of people there.

would enjoy 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 until midnight_____the snow capped peak.

that they sighted b. that they did not sight

c. did they sight d. had they sighted

X IX. 倒装

1. He is not under arrest_____any restriction on him.

a. or the police have placed

b. or have the police placed

c. nor the police have placed

d. nor have the police p laced

2. So badly ._____in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for a few months.

a. did he injure b. injured him c was he injured d. he was injured



