中考考前提优灭低材料 -单项选择1

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以下为《中考考前提优灭低材料 -单项选择1》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载



Ⅱ. 选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


( )21. ( Who is Sun Yang?

( ______ young man having trouble taking part in Tokyo Olympics.

A. A B. An C. The

( )22. Many people are ______ the film My People, My Country.

A. fond of B. known as C. popular with

( )23. —what’s your favorite _____,Jenny?

— I like pumpkins best.

A. fruit B. vegetables C. drink

( )24. — Excuse me. What’s the _____ usually used for?

— It’s used for protecting people from the rain.

A. mirror B. shelf C. raincoat

( )25. —Listen! __________beautiful music Lang Lang is playing!

—Yeath, so soft and so beautiful!

A. How B. What C. What a

( )26. My brother never spends money on books__________he doesn’t like reading.

A. but B. though C. because

( )27. ——I think her dress comes from the 1970s.

——It ________be from that time. It looks so modern on her.

A.mustn’t B. can’t C. won’t

( )28. —— David failed in his exam. He must be sad.

——Let’s go and _______________ .

A. pick him up B. cheer him up C. wake him up

( )29. ——Is it right for you to wear mask(口罩) or wash hands often to prevent 2019-nCov?

——________. And we should stick on doing it all the time.

A. Both B. Neither C.Nine

( )30. ——How beautifully the girl sings!

——Yes, she has a very sweet_________.

A. voice 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 last night?

—I was watching the news about rainstorms in South China on TV at home.

A. what you were doing

B. what were you doing

C. what you are doing

Keys: 21-25 CABCB 26-30 CBBAA 31-35 CCBBA



以上为《中考考前提优灭低材料 -单项选择1》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载

