
本文由用户“ChesterJ”分享发布 更新时间:2020-12-27 17:10:23 举报文档




英译汉部分 3

Beauty (excerpt) 3

美(节选) 3

The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power byThomas De Quincey 8

知识文学与力量文学托 马斯·昆西 8

An Experience of Aesthetics by Robert Ginsberg 11

审美的体验 罗伯特·金斯伯格 11

A Person Who Apologizes Has the Moral Ball in His Court by Paul Johnson 14

谁给别人道歉,谁就在道义上掌握了主动 保罗·约翰逊 14

On Going Home by Joan Didion 18

回家 琼·狄迪恩 18

The Making of Ashenden (Excerpt) by Stanley Elkin 22

艾兴登其人(节选)斯坦利·埃尔金 22

Beyond Life 28

超越生命[美] 卡贝尔 著 28

Envy by Samuel Johnson 33

论嫉妒 [英]塞缪尔·约翰逊 著 33

中译英部分 37

在义与利之外 37

Beyond Righteousness and Interests 37

读书苦乐 杨某某 40

The Bitter-Sweetness of Reading Yang Jiang 40

想起清华种种 王某某 43

Reminiscences of Tsinghua Wang Zuoliang 43

歌德之人生启示宗白华 45

What Goethe's Life Reveals by Zong Baihua 45

怀想那片青草地 赵某某 48

Yearning for That Piece of Green Meadow by Zhao Hongbo 48

可爱的XX 51

Nanjing the Beloved City 51

霞 冰心 53

The Rosy Cloud byBingxin 53

黎明前的北平 54

Predawn Peiping 54

老来乐 金某某 55

Delights in Growing Old by Jin Kemu 55

可贵的“他人意识” 58

Calling for an Awareness of Others 58

教孩子相信 61

To Implant In Our Children’s Young Hearts An Undying Faith In Humanity 61


Beauty (excerpt)


  Judging from the scientists I know, including Eva and Ruth, and those whom I've read about, you can't pursue the laws of nature very long without bumping撞倒; 冲撞 into beauty. “I don't know if it's the same beauty you see in the sunset,” a friend tells me, “but it feels the same.” This friend is a physicist, who has spent a long career deciphering破译(密码), 辨认(潦草字迹) what must be happening in the interior of stars. He recalls for me this thrill on grasping for the first time Dirac's⑴ equations describing quantum mechanics, or those of Einstein describing relativity. “They're so beautiful,” he says, “you can see immediately they have to be true. Or at least on the way toward truth.” I ask him what makes a theory beautiful, and he replies, “Simplicity, symmetry .对称(性); 匀称, 整齐, elegance, and power.”

  我结识一些科学家(包括伊娃和露丝),也拜读过不少科学家的著作,从中我作出推断:人们在探求自然规律的旅途中,须臾便会与美不期而遇。一个朋友对我说:“我不敢肯定这种美是否与日落之美异曲同工,但至少,两者带给我的感受别无二致。” 我的这个朋友是一位物理学家,他大半辈子都在致力于破解群星内部的秘密。他向我讲述了当年邂逅科学之美时的狂喜:那是当他生平第一次顿悟狄拉克的量子力学方程式,或是洞彻爱因斯坦相对论的方程式时的感受。“那些方程式是如此动人,”他说道,“只消看一眼你就会明白,它们一定是正确的,或者说---至少,它们的指向是正确的。” 我好奇一个“动人的”理论是个什么样,他的回答是:“简约、和谐、典雅,有力。”

  Why nature should conform to theories we find beautiful is far from obvious. The most incomprehensible thing about the universe, as Einstein said, is that it's comprehensible. How unlikely, that a short-lived biped on a two-bit planet should be able to gauge the speed of light, lay bare the structure of an atom, or calculate the gravitational tug of a black hole. We're a long way from understanding everything, but we do understand a great deal about how nature behaves. Generation after generation, we puzzle out formulas, test them, and find, to an astonishing degree, that nature agrees. An architect draws designs on flimsy paper, and her buildings stand up through earthquakes.


  ⑴ Dirac: 迪拉克,保罗·阿德利安·莫里斯1902-1984英国数学和物理学家。1933年因新原子理论公式与人分享诺贝尔奖。

  We launch a satellite into orbit and use it to bounce messages from continent to continent. The machine on which I write these words embodies hundreds of insights into the workings of the material world, insights that are confirmed by every burst of letters on the screen, and I stare at that screen through lenses that obey the laws of optics first worked out in detail by Isaac Newton⑵.


  By discerning patterns in the universe, Newton believed, he was tracing the hand of God. Scientists in our day have largely abandoned the notion of a Creator as an unnecessary hypothesis, or at least an untestable one. While they share Newton's faith that the universe is ruled everywhere by a coherent set of rules, they cannot say, as scientists, how these particular rules came to govern things. You can do science without believing in a divine Legislator, but not without believing in laws.


  I spent my teenage years scrambling up the mountain of mathematics. Midway up the slope, however, I staggered to a halt, gasping in the rarefied air, well before I reached the heights where the equations of Einstein and Dirac would have made sense. Nowadays I add, subtract, multiply, and do long division when no calculator is handy, and I can do algebra and geometry and even trigonometry in a pinch, but that is about all that I've kept from the language of numbers. Still, I remember glimpsing patterns in mathematics that seemed as bold and beautiful as a skyful of stars.


  ⑵ Isaac Newton: 牛顿 (1642-1727) 英国物理学家、数学家。

I'm never more aware of the limitations of language than when I try to describe beauty. Language can create its own loveliness, of course, but it cannot deliver to us the radiance we apprehend in the world, any more than a photograph can capture the stunning swiftness of a hawk or the withering power of a supernova⑶. Eva's wedding album holds only a faint glimmer of the wedding itself. All that pictures or words can do is gesture beyond themselves toward the fleeting glory that stirs our hearts. So I keep gesturing.


  “All nature is meant to make us think of paradise,” Thomas Merton⑷ observed. Because the Creation puts on a nonstop show, beauty is free and inexhaustible, but we need training in order to perceive more than the most obvious kinds. Even 15 billion years or so after the Big Bang⑸, echoes of that event still linger in the form of background radiation⑹, only a few degrees above absolute zero⑺. Just so, I believe, the experience of beauty is an echo of the order and power that permeate the universe. To measure background radiation, we need subtle instruments; to measure beauty, we need alert intelligence and our five keen senses.


  ⑶ supernova: 超新星,一种罕见的天文现象,表现为一恒星中的绝大部分物质爆炸后,产生能放射极大能量的极为明亮而存在时间极短的物体。

  ⑷ Thomas Merton: 默顿,托马斯1915-1968美国天主教教士和作家,其作品主要是关于当代宗教和世俗生活的,包括 《七重山》(1948年)和 《无人为孤岛》(1955年)。

  ⑸ the Big Bang: 创世大爆炸按照大爆炸理论,标志宇宙形成的宇宙爆炸。

  (6) background radiation: 背景辐射,又名3K宇宙背景辐射,是60年代天文学上的四大发现之一,它是由美国射电天文学家彭齐亚斯和威尔逊发现的。该学说认为,大爆炸之初,宇宙的温度高得惊人。随着宇宙膨胀的进行,其温度不断降低,到现在平均只有绝对温度2.7度(相当于零下270.46摄氏度)左右。

  (7) absolute zero: 绝对零度在此温度下物质没有热能,相当于摄氏-273.15度或华氏-459.67度。

Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower. You need training, however, to perceive the beauty in mathematics or physics or chess, in the architecture of a tree, the design of a bird's wing, or the shiver of breath through a flute. For most of human history, the training has come from elders who taught the young how to pay attention. By paying attention, we learn to savor all sorts of patterns, from quantum mechanics to patchwork quilts. This predilection brings with it a clear evolutionary advantage, for the ability to recognize patterns helped our ancestors 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 o implant in our children’s young hearts an undying faith in humanity. We must develop our own trust — that political leaders are ethically and morally upright, that civilization is basic to our very survival, that the earth under our feet is amply irrigated and a heavy cross bravely borne. We must believe that beneath the clutter and chaos of this treacherous world lie things that never decay, despite constant erosion — matters such as responsibility, integrity, moral fortitude and courage



