外研版八年级下册 期中复习 词汇运用专练(有答案)

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以下为《外研版八年级下册 期中复习 词汇运用专练(有答案)》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载


期中复习 词汇运用专练


1. Thanks for t me about what you like doing.

2. — How do you f about this new movie?

— It’s pretty boring.

3. I will feel n when I speak to strangers .

4. Can I take a m for you?

5. — What’s your h ,Betty?

— I like reading books.

6.I feel n_____ when I speak to the teacher.

7.Wang Liang is a s_______ in this city, so he doesn’t know the way.

8.Can you make a banana p____? I want to eat one.

9.Can you tell me who is the p______ of all?

10.The clothes f______ wet just now.

11.He is a good student and often gets full m______.

12.The girl has f____ hair.

13.He wanted me to pass a m________ on to the police.

14.What is your f________ hobby?

15.I’m not f_______ well. I have to go to see a doctor.

16. He had a h__________________ because of a bad cold.

17. I took his t__________________ and found out that he had a low f__________________.

18. The girl is never strong. She gets even w__________________ after her illness.

19. You should e__________________ more instead of staying at home.

20. My grandfather likes sports and he is in great c__________________.

21. Have you heard from your aunt r_______?

22. Shenzhou VI is an u_______spacecraft, isn’t it?

23. It is impolite to ask a woman’s age because it’s a s________.

24. A thousand million is a b_______.

25. We can’t go b _________ that point.


1.Have the scientists _________(发现) life on the moon yet?

2.Liu Yang and Wang Yaping are famous women________(宇航 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 anets

6. Germany 7. France 8. towers 9. mix 10. count 11. ancient

三、1.to find 2.to understand 3.60th 4.copies 5.monkeys 6.clubs 7.called 8.satisfied 9.leader 10.been 11. Germany. 12. years.1 3. invited.1 4.to speak 15. heroes

四、1. latest 2. twice  3. really  4. models  5. months


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以上为《外研版八年级下册 期中复习 词汇运用专练(有答案)》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载

