Beginners Guide to PLX DAQ v2 (rev1)

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以下为《Beginners Guide to PLX DAQ v2 (rev1)》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载


Beginners Guide to PLX DAQ v2 by Net^Devil

(Revision 1)

Table of content

1. About the program and its use 1

2. How to use 2

3. The Excel UI part 2

4. The Arduino part - overview 4

5. The Arduino part - Basic setup and communication 4

6. The Arduino part - specific communication and manipulation 5

7. The Arduino part - Excel workbook commands 7

8. The Arduino part - Miscellaneous commands 8

9. Doing your own stuff 9

10. Upgrading PLX DAQ v2 Excel versions 9

11. Full blown demo 9

About the program and its use PLX DAQ v2 is a program used to establish an easy communication between Microsoft Excel on a Windows Computer and any device that supports serial port protocol. It was intentionally written to allow communication between Arduino and Excel. You can, for example, measure temperature data with your Arduino, send the results to Excel every 10 seconds, printed the data on a sheet and draw a graph with all information. All communication will be done by Serial.println commands just like the commands you use to send from Arduino to monitor in your Arduino IDE Serial Monitor. The output of void loop() { Serial.println( (String) "DATA,DATE,TIME," + millis() ); delay(100); } looks like the following in Excel: 

How to use The program uses two parts to work: the special Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with the PLX DAQ v2 UI and commands plus any Arduino device that sends special commands for communication. The latest Excel Spreadsheet can be downloaded on the Arduino forum (Link:***#msg*** ; please always download the latest version!), the Arduino code can be written by everyone themselves with below guideline.

The Excel UI part After opening the Excel Spreadsheet please allow running the macro (yellow warning message at the top). Afterwards you can see the PLX DAQ v2 UI. In case not please click the button “Open PLX DAQ UI” on the “Simple Data” sheet. The UI offers the following options: 

Port: set to Arduino port (same as in Arduino IDE => Tools => Port, e.g., 4 for COM4

Baud: set to the baud rate you run your Arduino on (e.g., 9600 if you are using Serial.begin(9600); in your Arduino code)

Connect: connects to your Arduino and starts logging

Pause logging/resume logging: when connected will pause the logging of data

Reset Timer: will set the Timer to 0. The Timer can be used to measure how long Excel is already logging

Clear Columns: will delete all logged data from the sheet. Won’t clear the labels of the columns

Display/Hide direct debug: will show or hide the text field on the right. The Direct Debug Window can be used to manually monitor commands received by PLX DAQ v2 in Excel

Sheet name to post to: this will list all sheets in the Excel workbook. Whatever sheet you select in the dropdown the logged data will be posted to it. This sheet will be referred to as the “ActiveSheet” throughout this document. Note: after adding / deleting sheets please press the small “Load” button on the left side of the dropdown box for the sheet list to be updated

Controller Messages: in the field below the most recent commands and status information will be shown. Most likely the information is changing way too fast for you to read, thus use the Direct Debug Window (

Reset on Connect: the checkbox should be ticked at all time. If ticket the first command from Excel to Arduino will be to restart, thus your code starts from the beginning as well. This way you can have a fresh session. If you want to connect to your Arduino without restarting it just untick the box

Custom Checkbox 1/2/3: these can be used to control your Arduino during run in any way you want. There are commands to label the Checkboxes by your Arduino and to query the state of the boxes. You could for example label one box “Measure humidity as well?” and check on demand in Excel if you want your Arduino to measure humidity with a second sensor next to only measure e.g., temperature. There are special commands Arduino can use to query the status of the checkboxes. More detail on these can be found below.

Log incoming data? checkbox: information received from Arduino will be displayed in the direct debug window. Hint: disable if you experience performance issues

Log outgoing data? checkbox: information send to your Arduino will be displayed in the direct debug window. Hint: disable if you experience performance issues

Log system messages? checkbox: information from Excel will be display in the direct debug window (e.g., errors) . Hint: disable if you experience performance issues

Add timestamp? checkbox: will add a timestamp to every information logged in the direct debug window. This is handy for debugging.

=>: will increase the size of the direct debug window to a certain maximum


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以上为《Beginners Guide to PLX DAQ v2 (rev1)》的无排版文字预览,完整格式请下载

