Unit 1 课时教案 -学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册

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后港中学 七年级英语 备课笔记

课 题

7B Unit 1 Dream homes

Period 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit






1. To read the names of six countries and their landmark scenic spots.

2. To introduce these countries and their capitals in English.


1. To read the names of six countries and their landmark scenic spots.

2. To introduce these countries and their capitals in English.


To introduce these countries and their capitals in English.


CD, computer

教 学 过 程





Step 1 Presentation

1. Show the Ss a map of the world and tell the Ss: This is a map of the world. Can you find China? China is a big country.

Write on the Bb: country.

2. Lead the Ss to study the map. Tell the Ss: There are 200 countries in the world. Which countries do you know of?

Get the Ss to list countries they know.

Write on the Bb: Canada, France, Japan, Russia, the UK, the USA. Teach them.

Get the Ss to find these six countries on the map.

3. Tell the Ss: These countries are very famous and quite beautiful. I have some pictures of them. Do you know of them?

Encourage the Ss to tell the names of the

scenic spots in the pictures.

Step 2 Practice

1. Have a game: Guess the names of countries.

1) It’s in North America. Dr. Bethune was born in this country. (Canada)

2) People make long, delicious bread in this country. (France)

3) It’s the largest country in the world. (Russia)

4) Hello Kitty is from this country. (Japan)

5) Mickey Mouse comes from this country. (the USA)

6) This country hosted the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. (the UK)

2. Show the Ss the scenic spots of these six countries. Talk about the pictures with them

3. Get the Ss to complete the exercise in Part A. Check the answers.

Read the words aloud

Can you find China?

1) What place is this?

2) Which country is it in?

3) What do you think of this place?

4) Do you want to visit it?

Point it on the map.

Study the map.

List countries they know.

Learn the six countries.

Find them on the map.

Tell the names of the scenic spots.

Tell the names of the countries.

Answer the questions.

Complete Part A.

Read aloud.

后港中学 七年级英语 备课笔记





Step 3 Presentation

1. Tell the Ss: Red Square is famous. Tian’anmen Square is also very famous. Where is Tian’anmen Square?

Then say: Tian’anmen Square is in Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China.. Red Square is in Moscow. Moscow is the capital of Russia.

Write on the Bb: capital. Teach it.

2. Learn the capitals of the xis countries: Washington D.C.→ the USA, Ottawa→ Canada, Moscow→ Russia, Tokyo→ Japan, London→ the UK, Paris→France.

Step 4 Practice

1. Play the tape for Part B. The Ss listen and answer the questions.

2. Practise in pairs with the other pictures.

Pick some pairs to act out their dialogues.

Step 5 Presentation

1. Play the tape for Comic strip and get the Ss to answer question.

2. Get the Ss to read the dialogue and answer two more questions.

Step 6 Practice

1. Practise the dialogue in pairs.

2. Some pairs read the dialogue

Step 7 Homework

1. Remember the expressions.

2. Finish the exercises in《课课练》

Where is Tian’anmen Square?

1) What country are they talking about?

2) What’s in the photo?

2) Is Mount Fuji in Tokyo?

Where would Eddie like to live?

1) Why would Eddie like to live there?

2) Which is Eddie’s favourite restaurant?

Answer the question

Learn the word: capital.

Learn the capitals of the six countries.

Listen and answer.

Act out dialogues in pairs.

Listen and answer.

Practise in pairs.

Finish the homework.

板 书 设 计

教 学 反 思

后港中学 七年级英语 备课笔记

课 题

7B Unit 1 Dream homes

Period 2 Reading 1






1. To learn about living conditions in different countries.

2. To name the areas with different indoor and outdoor functions in English.

3. To briefly introduce one’s own or others’ homes in English.


1. To learn about living conditions in different countries.

2. To name the areas with different indoor and outdoor functions in English.


To briefly introduce one’s own or others’ homes in English.


CD, computer

教 学 过 程





Step 1 Revision

1. Show the Ss the pictures used in last class. Encourage them to talk about what they have learnt.

2. Go on to revise “I would like to ...” Answer these questions.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show the Ss some pictures of a house in a town, a flat and a house by the sea. Get them to have a talk.

2. While the Ss talking, teach the new words: flat, in the centre of , mile, garden, sea, beach.

3. Get the Ss to talk about their homes. While talking, teach the new words: bedroom, bathroom, living room, balcony

Step 3 Practice

1. Get the Ss to practise a dialogue.

A: What kind of home do you have now?

B: I have ... now?

A: Which is your favourite place in your home? Why??

B: My favourite place is ...., because ...

A: What kind of home do you want to live in? Why?

B: I want to live in ..., because ...

2. Complete the exercise in Part B1. Check the answers.

Step 4 Presentation

1. Tell the Ss: We know so much about our own homes. Today we’ll study three blogs written by three students from different countries. They would like to tell us something about their homes. Let’s

1) Which country is this building/ mountain/ place in?

2) Do you know the capital of this country?

1) Which country would you like to live in? Why?

2) Which city would you like to live in? Why?

What kind of home do you want to live in? Why?

1) How many rooms are there in your home?

2) Where do you sleep?

3) Where do you study?

4) Where do you watch TV?

5) Where does your mother cook?

6) Where do you wash your face?

Who are they?

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Answer the questions.

Answer the questions.

Learn the new words.

Answer the questions.

Learn the new words.

Practise the dialogue.

Complete Part B1.

Read the blogs quickly and answer the question.

后港中学 七年级英语 备课笔记





read the articles on page 8 quickly and tell me who they are.

2. Read the articles carefully and complete the exercises in Part B3. Correct the wrong sentences.

Step 5 Practice

1. Go on reading the articles and complete the exercise in Part B4. Three Ss read their answers. Check the answers.

2. Encourage the Ss to continue writing the introductions to the houses. Pick some Ss to read their writings.

3. Get the Ss to read the three articles. Pick some Ss to read. Then all the Ss read aloud.

Step 6 Homework

1. Read the text well.

2. Finish the exercises in《课课练》

Complete Part B3.

Complete Part B4.

Continue writing and read their writings.

Read the three articles.

Finish the homework.

板 书 设 计

教 学 反 思

后港中学 七年级英语 备课笔记

课 题

7B Unit 1 Dream homes

Period 3 Reading 2






1. To learn the language points in the article.

2. To master and use some words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly.


1. To learn the language points in the article.

2. To master and use some words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly.


To master and use some words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly.


CD, computer

教 学 过 程





Step 1 Revision

1. Read the text aloud.

2. Complete the exercise in Part B2. Check the answers.

Step 2 Language points

1. I live in a town 15 miles from London.


15 miles from London 放在a town后,作其定语。

2. My family and I often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea. 我和家人经常坐在那里喝杯茶。


3. I always have fun with my dog there.


have fun (have a good time/ enjoy oneself) doing sth. 做某事过得很愉快/玩得很开心

We often have fun flying kites in the park.


4. I live in a flat in the centre of Moscow.


5. I share a bedroom with 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 r dream home?

2. Get the Ss to write an article about their dream home. They can use Simon’s article as a model.

3. After writing, pick some Ss to read their articles. Correct mistakes they may make.

Step 5 Homework

1. Go on with their writing.

2. Finish the exercises in《课课练》

Read aloud.

Learn the common expressions.

Complete the questionnaire.

Write their articles.

Some Ss read their articles.

Finish the homework.

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教 学 反 思



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