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本试题是人教新课标版 必修1 的单句语法填空专练,适合于高一学生作为期中复习之用或作为高三学生作为模块复习备考之用。



Yesterday I got /had my shoes __________(mend)

The teacher had us __________(clean) the room after class.

Mary got /had me __________(wait) outside all the morning.

I can’t get the mechine __________(repair) by anybody.

It is not good to get pupils __________(do) homework for a long time.

The bad news __________(upset) me.

He __________(ignore) the doctor’s advice and goes on smoking.

I was __________(ignore) of this topic.

His words showed his total __________(ignore) of the situation.

The city is __________(calm) again after yesterday’s strike.

We are all __________(concern) about her satety.

This reports __________(concern) the heavey traffic in Guangzhou.

As far as I am __________(concern) , you can forget all about it.

When __________(cross) the road, you should be careful.

You should __________(pass) the exam. So work harder next term.

Before __________(have) the test, you should go over your lessons carefully.

He shouldn’t __________(tell) her the sad news last night. She was very upset.

These countires have __________(go) through too many wars.

We __________(go) through the forest with the help of the villages.

The smoke made the room __________(dirt).

If you don’t want to go, you won’t be made __________(go).

Speak louder to make yourself __________(hear).

Paul was made __________(cry) this time although he always made his sister cry.

It is I who __________(be) going to help you.

We all felt that t he chairman had too much __________(power).

It was the second time that you __________(make) the same mistake.

It’s time that we __________(list) the people to attend the party.

I agree __________(entire) that you should go shopping today.

Please clean the __________(dust) widows after school.

The other day, when I was shopping, I happened __________(meet) my former teacher whom I __________(see) for many years.

I don’t think __________ possible to finish so much work within so short a time.

We have made __________not to smoke in the office.

I feel it my duty __________(help) him

We weren’t able to ________(settle) the problem by ourselves, so we asked the teacher for help.

Finally Karl Marx __________(settle) in London.

He __________(suffer) when his mother died.

I am tired of his __________ (tell) lies.

Did you have any trouble in __________(understand) what the teacher had said?

He asked me if I had any difficult __________(介词)my English.

I am __________(get) along with my studies better this term.

I’m very __________(grate) to you for your help.

The husband advised ____(move) to the south, but his wife advised him ____ (give) up the idea.

They meet at Tom’s party and later on __________(fall) in love with each other.

More than 1,000 workers __________(join) in the general strike last week.

I __________(agree) with you about it.

Could you please give me some __________(advice) on how to learn Yoga?

We are __________(power) in the face of such forces.

he said he __________(ignore) the rules, but we thought __________(ignore) of the rules had not been the excuse.

He gave me an __________(entire) new book.


This novel is __________(base) on fact.

__________(compare) with last year, our coal output has increased by three times.

An __________(increase) number of people are choosing not to have children.

Her job has become __________(increase) difficult.

Although she did not say so at the meeting, she __________(actual) does not agree with you.

He realized she was crying because __________ what he said.

Students are __________(request) to keep quiet while doing reading in the reading room.

__________(judge) by his accent, he is from Henan.

__________(direct) are instructions that tell you what to do or how to get to a place.

The teacher got used to __________(make) the reference book.

The number of people invited __________(be) fifty, but a number of them __________(be) absent for different resons.


The yellow bus __________(transport) passengers from the airport to the city.

I prefer __________(stay) at home rather than go out.

Don’t let yourself __________(persuade) into buying things you don’t want.

Finally she __________(persuade) him into going to the hospital.

They have __________(schedule) the factory for completion in July.

I insist on __________(do) the work at once.

The Arab insisted that he __________(have) never seen the camel(骆驼).

You should behave __________(proper) at a dinner party.

He thanked the nurses who __________(care) for him while he was sick.

It is unncecessary ________(determine) what each word means while you are reading a passage.

His __________(experience) in Africa are interesting.

The child had never __________(experience) kindness.

The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if peope __________(persuade) to eat more fruit and vegetables.

The doctor advised him not to drink cold __________(boil) water.

With the help of Tom, I found the __________(finally) result.

He insisted on being sent to work in Tibet after his ________(graduate) from Beijing University.

This is the __________(late) news about the World Cup. It seems that Japan will lose the match.

A lot of young people dream of __________(become) great people in the future.

I have to get the watch __________(repair) at once.

Tom persuaded his mother __________(buy) a football for him.

We must learn to deal with it __________(proper).

I was __________(reliable) informed of the news.

My sister is so __________(persuade) that our cousins agreed to join us.

We should give some help to poor children in __________(disavantage) areas.


The sun has noe yet __________(rise).

The price of rice has __________(raise) lately.

After the heavy rain the river __________(rise) by three meters.

Her job is __________(raise) chickens.

The little boy was so frightened that he __________(burst) out crying.

She treats her husband as if he __________(be) a stranger.

He talked about London as if he __________(be) there many times.

It seems as if it __________ (be) going to rain soon.

The storm __________(ruin) the crops.

They were slightly __________(injure) in the crash.

The man who __________(injure) his leg in a traffic accident is still in hospital.

The building was completely __________(destroy) by the fire.

They were __________(shock) by her rudeness.

Firefighters worked for five hours to rescue people who __________(trap) in the bus.

He __________(rescue) three children from the burning building.

Since she left, he has __________(bury) himself in his work.

He is very nervous. I noticed his hand __________(shake).

The __________(injure) were sent to hospital and the __________(die) were buried.

I was __________(frighten) at the sight after the earthquake.

The ruins after the quake were __________(frighten).

The strom __________(frighten) the children.

__________(judge) by his accent, he must be from Guangdong.

He was __________(honour) with a golden medal for his excellent speech.

The whole city was __________(complete) destroyed in the earthquake.

We tried all sorts of medicine but they were all __________(use).

This tie is __________(dirt), so I’ll take it to the clearner’s

We are __________(pride) of our great motherland.

If you keep wearing the same T-shirt for several days in summer, it will become



---That would mean __________(waste) a lot of time. ---Really? I didn’t mean __________(waste) any time.

Nelson Mandela __________(devote) his whole life to __________(help) the black.

He __________(be) in prison for five years and you may see him at home next year.

It is __________ (legal) for people under 18 to buy alcohol(酒).

It was very __________(generously) of you to lend them your new car for their holiday.

Her son’s bad health __________(worry) her a lot.

He looks __________(worry). What is he __________(worry) about?

I have never spent a more __________(worry) day.

Nationa 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 oming


to buy






been raised





had been







were trapped




injured; dead.











wasting; to waste

devoted; helping

has been




worried; worrying





to give










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