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教学设计Unit 4 :

教学设计 南指挥镇中学

Item 3

The rain angel

Time: 3.31 Class:Grade Eight Name: Bai Ning Fang

Content :

The fable of the rain angel.

Instructional objectives :

1.Knowlegde objective

Words and expressions.

2.Ability aims

Improve reading ability.

Understand the story.

Know the rain is important for us.


Think good thoughts to others.

The forms of lesson:

Reading lesson.

The important points:

Words and expressions.

The difficult points:

Phrase usage.

Teaching resources:

Flashcards and audiotape.

The ways of teaching:

1.Taking the students as the main body;

2.Paying attention to the cultivation of the students’ reading comprehension ability.

3.Increase the interest of English knowledge.

The ways of learning:

1.Group learning.

2.Work in pairs.

3.Self culture.

Teaching steps:

Step 1:Lead-in

1.How’s the weather today? It’s rainy.

2.Do you like rain?

3.Is the rain important for our life?

4.What makes it rain?

Step 2:Watch a video and read the story

1.Let the students watch the video.

2.Read the story by themselves.

Step 3:Words and expressions

1.Teach the new words and read them together.

2.Write the words twice.

3.Find out the useful expressions.

4.Read and understan 内容过长,仅展示头部和尾部部分文字预览,全文请查看图片预览。 in charge of

spread open up

raindrop make sb. do sth.

bend have to do sth.

fluffy hear sb.doing sth.

tickle bend down

bid try sb. to do sth.

wiggle try sb. doing sth.



